Pro Fair Trade AG is sourcing all of its products from multiple countries to minimize the risks due to political, meteorological, quality and availability reasons and can therefore guarantee clients top quality and traceability anytime.
Sustainability - Guarantee of Origin - Product Quality - Impact Monitor - Assurance of the quality of the farmer's life - Resource Guide Monitor - Social Compliance Monitor.
Pro Fair Trade customers get inside views and supply chain facts to audit and verify the traceability of the entire supply chain process for the products and countries of procurement from the farm, to the processor up to logistics details until arrival in Switzerland.
Pro Fair Trade trains and monitors the local suppliers and their downline supply chain.Each supplier updates farming methods (conservation agriculture), environmental events, crop plans, crop rotations, input and production data including socio-economic targets and update reports.
Farmer GroupsCooperatives Contract Farmers
Micro Finance InstitutionsNGO Development Organizations Training Organizations Extension Services
The Supply Chain's obligation to care. Responsible purchase of raw materials. Better quality of the raw materials through technical support and quality seed.
Fair prices and constant incomes through guaranteed off-take agreements, which result in greater autonomy for the farmer. Increase farmer income through know-how transfer. Improve access to financing for the farmers, farmer groups and cooperatives through the local buyer.
Improve the farmer's quality of life. Improved access to education for the farmer's children. Reduces the desire to emigrate to the larger urban zones and cities as well to other countries due to better working conditions and increased quality of life in the regions.
Pro Fair Trade trains and monitors the supplier's manager of sustainability and performs quarterly on-site audits.
earthworm foundation ( performs a yearly on-site audit of suppliers and producers.